On election day, amidst the fervour of the political atmosphere, Odeneho Kwaku Appiah, a prominent figure in the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and former chairman, exercised his right to vote at Hemang, a polling station in the Afigya Kwabre South constituency.
After casting his ballot, Odeneho Kwaku Appiah aka COKA took the opportunity to speak to the media and the assembled crowd, emphasizing the importance of maintaining composure and attentiveness during the voting process.
He urged the electorate to stay calm and vigilant, ensuring that their voices are heard through their votes.
With the polling station abuzz with activity, Odeneho emphasized the need for peace and cooperation, reminding citizens that democracy thrives when respect and order prevail.
“Casting your vote is a fundamental right,” he remarked.
“But as we exercise this right, we must remain calm, united, and vigilant to ensure the process is free, fair, and credible.”
The Afigya Kwabre South constituency, situated in the Ashanti Region, is renowned for its high voter turnout and active political participation.
Security personnel and election officials were present to manage the crowd and address any potential disruptions, ensuring a smooth voting process. Voters patiently waited in long but organized queues, showcasing their dedication to the democratic process.
Against the backdrop of reports of increased political tensions in certain areas, Odeneho delivered a compelling message.
He urged the youth to refrain from violence or intimidation and called on the electoral commission to uphold transparency. “Today is a day for every Ghanaian, regardless of political affiliation, to contribute to the future of our nation. Let us not allow divisive actions to overshadow this crucial process,” he emphasized.
Source: Oyerepafmonlione.com