Michael Creg Afful, Executive Director of Energy News Africa Ltd, has unveiled a comprehensive proposal for private sector participation in the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).
Michael Afful’s framework emphasizes the importance of avoiding single-entity revenue collection and instead advocates for a multi-entity approach.
He emphasized that Government should avoid allowing one entity to manage revenue collection under the proposed Private Sector Participation in ECG.
He stated emphatically that Government should select five (5) companies from the planned Tendering Process based on their technical expertise and financial capacity.
According to Michael Creg Afful, Executive Director of Energy News Africa Ltd, the above companies should form a joint venture of two and the remaining one should be a standalone.
He said the Government should group ECG into 3. Central, Ashanti and Western should form one group (Group 1). Eastern and Volta Region should also form one group (Group 2). Greater Accra because of the population should be alone.
To him, the Joint Venture (JV) entities mentioned in point 3 should be allocated the two groups mentioned in point 4. One should be given group 1 and the other group 2. Accra should be handled by one company.
He furthered that Government should set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for them. Their performance should be reviewed in 6 months and by one year if they fail to achieve the targets they should suffer termination.
Michael Cleg Afful’s proposal aims to promote efficiency, transparency, and competitiveness in the ECG’s operations.
By adopting this framework, the government can ensure that private sector participation in the ECG benefits both the company and the Ghanaian people.
Source: Bernard K Dadzie/Greater Accra Region